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RU / OPFOR MiG-23 Flogger (RWR: 23)

This is a unit of the Russian Federation - Russia (RU)
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//Public Intel-Report
Last updated: 20230825

In-DCS Unit View:

RWR: 23
Originators Designation:
Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-23
NATO Reporting Name: Flogger
Flogger is a variable-geometry fighter aircraft, designed by the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau in the Soviet Union. It is a third-generation jet fighter, alongside similar Soviet aircraft such as the Su-17 "Fitter".
It was the first Soviet fighter to field a look-down/shoot-down radar, the RP-23 Sapfir, and one of the first to be armed with beyond-visual-range missiles. Production started in 1969 and reached large numbers with over 5,000 aircraft built, making it the most produced variable-sweep wing aircraft in history. Today the MiG-23 remains in limited service with some export customers.

The basic design was also used as the basis for the Mikoyan MiG-27, a dedicated ground-attack variant. Among many minor changes, the MiG-27 replaced the MiG-23's nose-mounted radar system with an optical panel holding a laser designator and a TV camera.

The General Dynamics F-111 and McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II were the main Western influences on the MiG-23. The Soviets, however, wanted a much lighter, single-engined fighter to maximize agility. Both the F-111 and the MiG-23 were designed as fighters, but the heavy weight and inherent stability of the F-111 turned it into a long-range interdictor and kept it out of the fighter role.The MiG-23's designers kept the MiG-23 light and agile enough to dogfight with enemy fighters.

AA ARMAMENT:R-60, R-73, R-23
ENGINE:1x Khatchaturov R-35-300
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We are beginning to encounter these MiG-23's on a consistent basis currently during OHOP Phase 2. I have dug into a bit of research in hopes it helps out perspectives a bit more on the Flogger and what to expect.

The MiG-23MLA was a very serious threat to everything in the early 80's when it came out. But because it didn't anymore receive upgrades to systems etc, it did fall far behind the very modern F-16C Block 50 and latest F/A-18C Lot 20 variants.

The missiles the MiG-23MLA bring to the fight are better than AIM-7, so some standoff should be expected.
With that said, the MiG-23MLA doesn't even have a radar scope like MiG-21. Contacts are all presented on the HUD.

When it comes to turning fights, the MiG-23 has a good revision to its aerodynamics. And it is little similar like a F-14 is to those others with its wing sweep features for the slow or fast fight. If ever encountering the MiG23 in a turn fight, you should have an advantage in the current v303FG platforms. The MiG23's best option is to just extend away, so if you can force the turn fight... you should easily set yourself up for a kill. The MiG 23 cannot change wing sweep angle when in turning, so that makes serious limitation for turning fights. But as it can accelerate faster than F-16, they will outrun most Bluefor in most altitudes.

The main tactic of MiG-23, is to operate under a RU GCI that will lead waves of MiGs against target. They come fast in, launch missiles, turn away and run. And the time Bluefor starts to recover from that attack, the second wave comes in and attack, turn away and flee. Take this as you will during our campaign, as DCS AI may not operate as such.

So what it will be, is that MiG-23 is fast and agile, but it lacks the pure power and unless performing tactics correctly, they should be expected to die quickly against modern fighters. Not so quickly as MiG-21Bis does, but still about there.
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