DCS: F-16C Weapon Config's

F-16C DCS: F-16C Weapon Config's

PLEASE NOTE: This is a summarized-public version of our procedure. Please join our official aircrew roster in order to gain full access to the v303rd FG SOP/Doctrine!

//SMS CNTL page​

Arming DELAYS are set in the CTNL page (Access via the A-G SMS page). Use C2 for CBUs (burst altitude setting) and C1 for all the other weapons (dumb bombs and GBUs)

To set an ARMING DELAY:​

  1. From the SMS page, select the OSB labelled CNTL
  2. The highlighted mode is the active mode
  3. The highlighted AD is dependant on the NOSE/TAIL/NSTL setting in the SMS page
  4. Depress the OSB next to the mode to change (C1 or C2)
  5. Use the labelled OSB to enter a new AD value
  6. Hit the OSB labelled ENT to confirm entry
  7. Hit the OSB labelled RTN to return to the CNTL page
  8. Repeat process for AD2 if you are in C1 mode
  9. If you are in C2 mode, use labelled OSB to enter a new BA value
  10. Confirm by hitting the OSB labelled ENT to confirm
  11. Depress the OSB labelled CNTL to get back to SMS page

To set a RELease ANGle:​

The Release Angle is used for DTOS delivery. The set angle is the climb up angle the aircraft has to fly during bomb release to successfully hit the target.
From the SMS page, select the OSB labelled CNTL.
  1. Depress OSB 10 to access the REL ANG page
  2. Use the labelled OSB to enter a new angle value
  3. Hit the OSB labelled ENT to confirm entry.
  4. Hit the OSB labelled RTN to return to the CNTL page
  5. Depress the OSB labelled CNTL to get back to SMS page.
  6. Fly at that angle during bomb release to ensure that the bomb hit the target

NOSE / TAIL / NSTL Selection:​

By Selecting NOSE the value in AD1 will be active (C1)
By selecting TAIL the value in AD2 will be active (C1)
By Selecting NSTL – Both Detonators are selected.

Select NSTL when using C2 in CNTL page
Use NOSE or TAIL with C1 in CNTL page according to the inserted values in AD1 and AD2.


  1. Arming Delay: Set and check
  2. Burst Altitude: Set and check if required
  3. Release Angle: Set and check if required
  4. Weapon release: Set SINGLE or PAIR
  5. Weapon Spacing: Set and check
  6. Weapon Ripple: Set and check


Repeat 1-6 to set Profile 2.
Toggle PROF1 – PROF2 with OSB#7
  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. Master ARM: Set ARM or SIM
  3. Right MFD (SMS): Select CCRP (OSB #1)
  4. Select desired weapon
  5. Left MFD: Select desired sensor (FCR/TGP)
  6. Target: Designate
  7. HUD: Verify CCRP symbology & align FPM on The azimuth steering line
  8. First release cue Monitor
  9. Weapon Release Depress and hold for computed release
  10. On second release cue

  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. Master ARM: Set ARM or SIM
  3. Right MFD (SMS): Select CCRP (OSB #1)
  4. Select desired weapon
  5. Left MFD: Select desired sensor (FCR/TGP)
  6. Target: Designate
  7. HUD: Verify CCRP symbology & align FPM on The azimuth steering line
  8. First release cue Pull 4g to release angle
  9. Weapon Release Depress and hold for computed release
  10. On second release cue

  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. Master ARM: Set ARM or SIM
  3. Right MFD (SMS): Select CCIP (OSB #1)
  4. Select desired weapon
  5. HUD: Verify CCIP symbology & place CCIP pipper on the target
  6. Weapon Release Depress

  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. Master ARM: Set ARM or SIM
  3. Right MFD (SMS): Select DTOS (OSB #1)
  4. Select desired weapon
  5. DMS: SOI to HUD
  6. HUD: Verify DTOS and slew TD box over target (or manoeuvre aircraft to place TD box over target)
  7. TMS: Designate target
  8. HUD: Maintain FPM on bomb fall/steering line
  9. Weapon Release Depress and hold


AGM-65A/B: Colour: White
Rail: LAU-88 triple ejector or LAU-117 single rail Range: 10 Nm
Type of target: vehicles & soft targets Targeting: WPN MFD page

AGM-65D: Colour: Green
Rail: LAU-88 triple ejector or LAU-117 single rail Range: 15 Nm
Type of target: vehicles & soft targets Targeting: Radar handoff, TGP handoff, Vis

AGM-65G: Colour: Grey
Rail: LAU-117 single rail Range: 20 Nm
Type of target: large structure
Targeting: Radar handoff, TGP handoff, Vis


Boresight is a procedure that ensure aircraft sensors (Radar & TGP) are looking at the same spot as the missile sensor (WPN). Mounting missiles on their rail induce alignment errors. Boresight delete that alignment error. It must be complete for each missile station (i.e. rail, not all missile on the same rail).
Boresight procedure is possible on the ground when GND JETT switch is placed in ENABLE position (and master arm set to SIM) please note: Ground boresight is almost impossible to achieve in BMS.
Missiles are always HOT.
CAUTION: A pickle will fire the missile. Ensure you set master arm to SIM for boresight procedures.
Maverick video is inhibited if Master arm is safe, maverick is not powered, with WOW unless GND JETT is Enable) and if stations are not uncaged (AGM-65A/B/D)
Only AGM-65 D/G can be used with the TGP or FCR. AGM-65A/B must be fire from the WPN page.

  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. SMS: Power on mavericks (3 minutes required)
  3. Master Arm: SIM
  4. MFD pages: Set TGP left WPN right
  5. TGP MFD: Go NARO FOV and designate target with TMS up to obtain POINT TRACK
  7. SOI: Move SOI to WPN page (DMS down)
  8. Cursors: Slew WPN page cursor on the same TGP target and designate (TMS up)
  9. Boresight: Hit OSB#20 BSGT on WPN page
  10. MSL STEP: Step to the next station (rail)
  11. UNCAGE: if necessary (video = off requires UNCAGE)
  12. Cursors: Slew WPN page cursor on the same TGP target and designate (TMS up)
  13. Boresight: Hit OSB#20 BSGT on WPN page
  14. CANCEL ALL TRACKS Go MSL Override mode (fastest way to
  15. cancel all tracks is to change master mode)
  16. Master Mode: Switch back to A-G mode.
  17. TGP page: Obtain POINT track on a target in NARO FOV
  18. WPN page: Check same LOS and successful handoff
  19. Confirm “C” displayed on top of the handed off station.
  20. SMS: Power off missile as required
  21. SPI: Cancel all slew:
  22. TMS down / Wide FOV /Cursor Zero


  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. SMS: Check Maverick Powered and ready
  3. Master Arm: ARM
  4. MFD pages: Set TGP left WPN right
  5. MSL: Uncage if required
  6. TGP MFD: Go NARO FOV and designate target with TMS up to obtain POINT TRACK
  8. Check “C” for complete handoff Check MSL LOS and pointing cross in keyhole

  1. Check missile in range Check Weapon cross steady
  2. MSL STEP: to select next missile
  3. MSL: Uncage if necessary
  4. TGP MFD: Go NARO FOV and designate 2nd target with TMS up to obtain POINT TRACK
  6. Check “C” for complete handoff Check MSL LOS and pointing cross in keyhole
  7. Check missile in range Check Weapon cross steady
  8. Pickle: Depress twice (unless Ripple is set to 2)
  9. SPI: Reset (TMS down / wide FOV / CZ)


  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. SMS: Check Maverick Powered and ready
  3. Master Arm: ARM
  4. WPN page: Select VIS and check HUD SOI
  5. Target: Place TD box over the target with the cursors and ground stabilize with TMS UP
  6. WPN page: Go EXP FOV, refine cursors if required and designate target with TMS UP
  7. Check range and steady pointing cross
  8. Pickle: Depress


  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. Master Arm: ARM
  3. LASER Arm: ARM
  4. TGP: Check ready and SOI
  5. SMS: Select GBU and set CNTL as required DED – LASER page: Set Laser code to match weapon code
  6. Set AG laser to combat
  7. Set LASER ST TIME to 12s (PII) or 20s (PIII)
  8. HUD: Check Steady “L” (if “T” is displayed the laser is in training mode)
  9. Target: Capture with TGP. AREA or POINT
  10. Ranging: Manual Lase target (trigger) to get accurate range (L precedes Range to target) that also check laser manual firing.
  11. CCRP: Align FPM with bomb fall line and wait for CCRP release cues (1st is loft, second is level)
  12. Pickle: Depress & hold before second release cue hits FPM
  13. Bombs away: Execute gentle left turn.
  14. TTI: Monitor Time to Impact and check flashing “L” at TTI -12 seconds (or -20s for PIII).
  15. Bomb impact: Reset SPI (TMS down / Wide FOV / CZ)
  16. LASER Arm: As required
  17. Master Arm: As required


Lofting GBU is the same as the level delivery till the 1st CCRP cue. Target capture may be harder at low level. Plan for a pop at required altitude for target capture and descend NOE inbound the target.

  1. 5Nm from target: PULL UP 4G in 2 seconds to 40/45°
  2. Pickle: Depress and hold till second cue hits FPM
  3. Bomb release: Slice back left to low altitude
  4. TTI – 20 seconds Check flashing “L”
  5. Bomb impact: Reset SPI (TMS down / Wide FOV / CZ)
  6. LASER Arm: As required
  7. Master Arm: As required



  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. Master Arm: ARM
  3. LASER Arm: ARM
  4. TGP: Check ready and SOI
  5. DED – LASER page: Set Laser code to match wingman code
  6. Set AG laser to combat

  1. HUD: Check Steady “L” (if “T” is displayed the laser is in training mode)
  2. Target: Capture with TGP. AREA or POINT
  3. Ranging: Manual Lase target (trigger) to get accurate range (L precedes Range to target) that also check laser manual firing.
  4. Radio: Announce Target captured, code set
  5. Target: Arc the target standing by for lasing Wingman call 15” bfr impact: Manual lase target and announce lasing TGP/HUD: Check Flashing “L”.
  6. Bomb impact: Reset SPI (TMS down / Wide FOV / CZ)
  7. LASER Arm: As required
  8. Master Arm: As required


  1. Master Mode: A-G
  2. SMS: Select GBU and set CNTL as required
  3. Master Arm: ARM
  4. LASER Arm: OFF
  5. Target: Designate
  6. Lead capture call Ingress target on CCRP cue 10 seconds before release: Call 10 seconds
  7. 2nd CCRP cue Pickle and hold, call bombs away
  8. TTI: Monitor and call 15 seconds (before impact)
  9. Bomb impact: Reset SPI (TMS down / Wide FOV / CZ)
  10. Master Arm: As required
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