DCS: F-16C Tactical Turns

F-16C DCS: F-16C Tactical Turns

PLEASE NOTE: This is a summarized-public version of our procedure. Please join our official aircrew roster in order to gain full access to the v303rd FG SOP/Doctrine!

When flying line abreast, maneuvering needs to be standardized and prebriefed. Flight members need to know the type of turn, the parameters at which the turns will be made and the method these turns are initiated. As such we have tactical turns contracts as part of SOP:

In case of no contract briefing by lead, use SOP contracts:

BRIEFED: Under 10.000ft: all turns level made at BUSTER power – 400kts. Above FL100: all turns level at BUSTER power to maintain 0.8 Mach​

In both cases, you pull G to maintain the contract speed. Turns are initiated on radio by lead and must be acknowledged by wingman. Radio silent maneuvering must be prebriefed – especially the cue for the turn to start.

Tactical turn’s types are:
HOOK turns / CROSS turns
Delayed 90° Left or Right
Delayed 45° Left or Right


It is extremely important that wingmen maintain good initial SPREAD formation on leads. Any formation error before the turn will result in a biggest error after the turn most of the time. An inexperienced wingman SPREAD aft of leads before a cross turn into a CAP will end up in SPREAD forward after the turn!!!
Wingmen should strive to get back to a perfect SPREAD formation outside of the turns. DO NOT OVERCORRECT during the turns by varying your speed. STAY on contract and alter formation in time (when turn is initiated) or on straight legs

vPilots should be aware of their final heading before initiating the turn.

Tactical Turns: HOOK

HOOK turns are 180° synchronized level turns on contract speed. Depending on initial formation, the turn may be done away of into the wingman. In any way, wingman stays responsible for deconfliction and visual lookout unless he calls blind. After the turn the SPREAD is inversed in side


Tactical Turns: CROSS TURN

CROSS turns are 180° level turns on contract speed one into the other. Wingmen remain responsible for deconfliction and visual lookout throughout the turn. Cross may be close! Ideal to check each aircraft 6 o’clock


Tactical Turns: DELAYED 90°

DELAYED 90° can be made into or away from the wingman, who is responsible for deconfliction.

Into the wingman, leads initiate the turn, but away from the wingman, must be initiated by the wingman by turning into his lead. Turns are 90° level on contract speed.

After the turn, the wingman is on the opposite side of the SPREAD formation.


Tactical Turns: DELAYED 45°

DELAYED 45° can be made into or away from the wingman, who is always responsible for deconfliction.

As for 90° delayed, the initial turn depends on the direction of the turn. (into or away from the wingman.)

Turns can be delayed until the other aircraft crosses the trajectory or can be made with a 30° cross turn followed by a S turn to get back in formation. The S turn can be vertical of powered. The cross turn is illustrated here.

The SPREAD is inversed after the turn.

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