Awards and decorations received by Warhawk

Aeronautical Rating

WSO / Basic Mission Qualified (BMQ)

Minimum Qualifications:
- Completed Surface Attack (SA) and Night Surface Attack (NSA) blocks of B-Course
Completed v307FS B Course 11/25/23

Virtual 307th Fighter Squadron 'Stingers'

Members of the Virtual 307th Fighter Squadron.
Achievement Medals

Military Service Medal

Members who have served in the United States Military. We appreciate your service and sacrifice.
Served in the United States Navy. The Virtual 303rd Fighter Group would like express sincere appreciation for your contribution of honorable service to our country. You have helped maintain the security of our nation during a very critical time in history. The sacrifice you and family have devoted to duty will never be forgotten. Best wishes to you and a blessed future ahead.
Deployment Medals
Operation Hedge Of Protection Campaign Ribbon

Operation Hedge Of Protection Campaign Medal

Members who participated in Operation Hedge Of Protection Campaign.
Minimum Qualifications:
- Participate in at least 50% of the Campaign Flight Nights in the AOR
Member honorably participated in support of Operation Hedge Of Protection Combat deployment. Phase 2.