Dynamic Force Employment - Sep '24

TDY Dynamic Force Employment - Sep '24

Mission Start Date
Sep 1, 2024
Mission End Date
Sep 30, 2024
Mission Type


By order of the v303 Fighter Group Commanders, the v303 FG will be on Temporary Duty for the month of September to Andersen AFB, Guam.
The Dedicated Server will transition from our NTTR mission to our Guam mission 1 September 2024.

Continued progress through B-course and MQT will be the primary focus during this TDY.
All pilots should review the Andersen AFB LAO and have the PGAU IFG readily available during sorties.

We look forward to a fun, productive month operating in the Pacific!

ALCON, Dynamic force employment “is designed as a way for Pacific Air Forces to exercise their ability to generate combat air power from dynamic force elements while continuing to move, maneuver, and sustain these elements in geographically-separated and contested environments”.
Our current objectives for this TDY as as follows:
  1. To continue range training and proficiency over the Naval environment.
  2. To continue force projection presence in the Pacific against our adversaries.
Keep in mind that there is a very real Force Projection and Deterrence mission at play as well during EVERY sortie that you launch. Our presence alone, is a force projection on the Chinese PLA efforts and we will continue to show of force whenever the possibility arises.
Type Orders
Tasked Unit
  1. v303 FS
  2. v93 FS
  3. v307 FS
Supporting Assets
  1. [E-3]
  2. [KC-135, A-10C Support]
  3. [KC-135, F-16C Support]
  4. [KC-135, F-15E Support]
  5. [P-8]
Flight Publication
  1. v303rd FG Manual 11-2
  2. v303rd FG Manual 11-2 DCS A-10C
  3. v303rd FG Manual 11-2 DCS F-15E
  4. v303rd FG Manual 11-2 DCS F-16C
  5. v303 FG PGUA In-Flight Guide
  6. v303 FG Andersen AFB LAO
    651.5 KB · Views: 22

Mission Information

USINDOPACOM - Mariana Islands
Added by
Date added
Task count
View count
Mission privacy
Limited Public Access //FOUO - v303 FG Granted Full Access

Mission Progress
